Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You Have Been Warned! Diabetes Knows No Boundaries!

There is an epidemic in America! There is no vaccination for this disease! 23 to 24 million Americans are affected by it! Have you been warned of this disease? Are you aware? Have you heard the news? Have you been warned? Click Here!

This disease is called diabetes! Do you have diabetes? Do you know what it is? Do you know how you get it? Have you been warned?

Diabetes is not contagious! You cannot catch it from your friends or family! Diabetes, however, does run in families. If your parents have diabetes, then you are at a greater risk of having it. Do you already have diabetes? How would you know if you had it? There are so many questions and such few answers! Click Here!

Diabetes is a disease caused by excess glucose (sugar) in the blood and urine. How does that happen? Well, glucose which comes from the foods we eat, is used by our cells to provide energy for our bodies. Our pancreas makes insulin which is used by our cells to help the glucose convert more easily to energy for our bodies. When the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body does not correctly use the insulin, then the excess glucose stays either in the blood or the urine.

This could be happening in anyone's body at any time and they would never know it was happening until symptoms of diabetes surface! This could go on for years before the symptoms appear. Therefore, much damage could be done to our bodies from all the excess glucose before we even know we have excess glucose. Click Here!

Lots of times the symptoms of diabetes can mirror the symptoms of other diseases. This can continue for a long time in some cases and you will not know you have diabetes. You will not know you have elevated blood sugar levels until enough symptoms appear that scream diabetes! One-third of all Americans who have the disease do not know that they have it. Have you been warned?Click Here!

If you do have symptoms of Type II diabetes, they can include the following:

Being very thirsty.
Excessive urination.
Being more hungry than usual.
Losing weight without trying.
Feeling extremely tired.
Being cranky and moody.
Infections and cuts heal very slowly.
Blurred or double vision.
Tingling or numbness in your hands or feet.

By the time you begin to suspect you have diabetes, you may already have more serious health concerns. You see diabetes knows no boundaries. Anyone can become its victim! If left untreated for years, it can lead to problems with the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nerves. Click Here!

So if you have a family history of diabetes and you begin to experience any of the symptoms of diabetes, go see your doctor right away! Have the doctor run tests to find out if you are diabetic or not. Diabetes is not something you can ignore! You have been warned! Click Here!

You have been warned! Diabetes can be your worst nightmare! Get on top of it! Start fighting it! Do not leave it untreated and become a victim!

You have been warned and you have been warned!

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